A not for profit association for wood turners who connect and learn from other turners
Chapter - American Association of Woodturners Chapter - International Association of Penturners
Chapter - Southwest Association of Turners

I’m a long time woodworker, but added woodturning to the mix in 2010. I joined a local woodturning club to shorten the learning curve. At first I did not appreciate the value of attending professional demos, until a buddy gently reminded me that there wasn’t anybody I couldn’t learn something from. That was humbling, but set me on a course of demos and seminars. The woodturning community is a very sharing and welcoming one, everywhere I have visited.
Unlike some pros that specialize in something specific, I find I like to do a little of everything, (Jack of all … master of none) as shown in the following images. That is not to say I have a one-and-done mindset, though. Production turning may seem repetitive and boring to some, but it offers a skill learning and refinement, in a Groundhog Day kind of way.
Mike Lanaham